Gillian Vosloo – SA

Is Karma cluttering your cupboard?

Just like physical; emotional and mental clutter that has outstayed its welcome, taken up space, gotten in the way, drained our energy and stopped us from moving forward, so too does Karmic clutter and requires clearing out.

We look at Karma, what it is and how it clutters the Karma cupboard and provide guidelines on how to begin clearing it.


Gillian is an Intuitive Empath and has studied with Metavarsity completing the Introduction to Metaphysics, Applied Metaphysics, & Intuitive Practitioner Courses. She is a Senior Facilitator at Metavarsity for the Introduction to Metaphysics Course and Energy Healer Course as well as being involved in various projects with MetaVarsity such as Workbook Wednesday. She is a Public Speaker and facilitates training programs in Woman’s Empowerment; Voice Production; Public Speaking and more. She consults to small and medium business on matters pertaining to HR and Education & Training and facilitates individual metaphysical coaching sessions. She designs and develops training material and presents courses in partnership with companies such as Flowing Nomads, MetaVarsity and other businesses.

The positive development of people through education and training is her passion. It lights the window to her soul and she aspires to inspire through learning and development; motivating a love of lifelong learning; unity and embracing diversity. and change.


We will give away 3 x module 1 of the introduction to metaphysics

metaphysics empowerment self help inspiration

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