Jason Teichner – USA

Healing Your Digestive System I will go over various digestive conditions, the underlying causes of these conditions, and how to heal naturally from these conditions. Biography I help people heal naturally from various health conditions, mental and physical. As someone who has had to...

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Jackie de Crinis – USA

Healthy Body. Healthy Mind. Happy Life. In today’s busy world, we are over-stimulated and less fulfilled than ever before. Many of us suffer from chronic anxiety. Many of us suffer from depression and/or low self-esteem. Many of us manage our feelings and our busy lives by self-medicating...

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Janie Lin – USA

What Does Your Purpose Mean to You I am excited to invite you to listen to my talk on What Does Your Purpose Mean To You! Hi, I am Janie Lin, Pattern Interrupter, Master Energy Tuner and Galactic Code activator, here to shift, and uplift humanity and consciousness on the earth. In this talk I...

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Anaiis Salles – Video

Your Story? Or YOUR Life! Healing Negative Intent Imprints and Shadow in Your Life StoryAre you your mother’s first born? Or were you born after the death of your mother’s first child? Are you an only child? These birth order circumstances may become an emotional set-up for taking...

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Kelly Bonanno

Eco Friendly Living Made Easy Eco Friendly Living Made Easy– The truth about the toxic issue and why it’s important to go green and reduce toxic load.– How to eliminate and avoid toxins commonly found in everyday products.– Effective eco friendly habits and methods to...

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Michelle Sugiyama

Are the snacks calling you? With Covid, have you been sneaking into the snack cabinet a bit more than usual? Well, my family and I have been experiencing just that. Especially, my 9-year old daughter who forages for food every 15 minutes! It’s not that she is truly hungry but most likely...

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Nina Venturella

Oil Change for your Body The lymphatic system- missing link to total wholeness.What is the lymphatic system ?Communication between soul and body.Root cause of sickness and disease.What is Xtract?How does Xtract work ? Biography Certified Nutrition SpecialistCertified Personal TrainerX’Tract...

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Gloria Treister

Wellness 101® A Great Place to Start It is time to shift our paradigm from the sickness model to the wellness model in which we are proactive about our health, rather than reactive to symptoms. By learning the basics about what it truly means to be well, you will be empowered to better understand...

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Anaiis Salles

Your Story? Or YOUR Life! Healing Negative Intent Imprints and Shadow in Your Life StoryAre you your mother’s first born? Or were you born after the death of your mother’s first child? Are you an only child? These birth order circumstances may become an emotional set-up for taking...

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Kristel Bauer

Mindset is Everything Having studied and practiced both integrative and traditional medicine, it is clear a person’s mindset profoundly impacts how they see and interact with the world. Through a combination of boundary assessment, self-talk and care, gratitude, optimism, and connection, I provide...

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David Groode

Life Navigation Creating, managing, and moving through life changes and the impact that they have on you and the people around you.How do you respond to change?Learn how you can make better decisions and have peace of mind throughout that process of navigating changes.Discover how you can create...

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