Andy van Wyk

On Knowing Who We Truly Are

Accepting who you truly are is a journey that takes brutal self-honesty, courage and the tenacity to never give up. It is a journey that will require you give up all the parts of self to the dazzling light of Love, Love is the essence of who you truly are. You were created as a though of love in the mind of God, and a thought cannot leave its source. Love will bring up everything unlike itself in order for you to achieve this. The answers are ultimately very simple although walking the path on many occasions is not. You must remember that knowing the path and walking the path is not the same thing. Walking the path requires that we deal with our daily resistances to this and the unwavering commitment to discovering your true nature. The ego is not your friend, and its survival depends on your belief in the world of illusion, the world of fear.


My journey began some two decades ago, however it was not until my life began unravelling some two years later that I began to awaken to what this would ultimately mean. In the course of events the first area to implode was my health, with the HIV+ diagnosis and from that moment it was like dominoes, one area after the other until I sat on a pile of rubble that was once my life. Initially I went into denial of these events, which was not so much a choice but rather a move that happened all of its own as a defence mechanism. About eighteen months after this I awakened to the possibility that there must be another way. I had also attracted a few wonderful earth Angels to assist me, and so my journey took on a whole new energy and commitment. Has it been plain sailing since, of course not…we do not become phenomenal sailors by sailing calm seas. I began exploring my inner world doing all I could to leave no stone My journey began some two decades ago, however it was not until my life began unravelling some two years later that I began to awaken to what this would ultimately mean. In the course of events the first area to implode was my health, with the HIV+ diagnosis and from that moment it was like dominoes, one area after the other until I sat on a pile of rubble that was once my life. Initially I went into denial of these events, which was not so much a choice but rather a move that happened all of its own as a defence mechanism. About eighteen months after this I awakened to the possibility that there must be another way. I had also attracted a few wonderful earth Angels to assist me, and so my journey took on a whole new energy and commitment. Has it been plain sailing since, of course not…we do not become phenomenal sailors by sailing calm seas. I began exploring my inner world doing all I could to leave no stone un-turned, since the whole world exits within, this is where the real work must be done, and so I began putting my life back together one brick and one step at a time. It has been an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and one I am totally committed to even on my most challenging days. , since the whole world exits within, this is where the real work must be done, and so I began putting my life back together one brick and one step at a time. It has been an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and one I am totally committed to even on my most challenging days.


Two one on one sessions of fifty minutes each

conference, speaker